EVPlayer - 带有 AVPlayer 的定制 UIView


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🚀 特征

  • 自动播放模式
  • 循环模式
  • 同步切换到全屏模式
  • 搜索动画
  • 双击寻找机会
  • 持久性播放器在网络连接不良后恢复播放
  • 获取相关的播放器状态(快速播放、播放、暂停、缩略图、重新启动、已结束)
  • 缩略图封面
  • 全屏模式的可选支持方向
  • 可选择向前和向后寻道的持续时间(5、10、15、30 秒等)
  • 获取当前和总时间,加载范围和全屏模式生命周期
  • 提供接口单元测试
  • 日志可用

若要运行示例项目,请克隆存储库,然后首先从示例目录运行。pod install


  • iOS 12.0+


Using CocoaPods

CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

To integrate into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your :EVPlayerPodfile

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '12.0'

target '<Your Target Name>' do
    pod 'EVPlayer'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install


Download the project, just drag and drop classes under Source file to your project.

▶️ Getting started

Create EVPlayer object

let evPlayer = EVPlayer(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 350, height: 200))
evPlayer.center = view.center

Create media with video URL and optional thumbnail URL

let media = EVMedia(videoURL: URL, thumbnailURL: URL?)

Create configuration with media

let config = EVConfiguration(media: media)

Configuration can be customize

config.shouldAutoPlay = true
config.shouldLoopVideo = true
config.videoGravity = .resizeAspect
config.isFullScreenModeSupported = false
config.fullScreenVideoGravity = .resize
config.forwardSeekDuration = .k15
config.rewindSeekDuration = .k45
config.isFullScreenShouldOpenWithLandscapeMode = true
config.progressBarMaximumTrackTintColor = .blue
config.progressBarMinimumTrackTintColor = .green

Start loading operation with configuration

evPlayer.load(with: config)


EVPlayerController Usage

let config = EVConfiguration(media: media)
EVPlayerController.startFullScreenMode(withConfiguration: config)


🛠️ Customization

EVPlayer comes with several customizable features. You can customize these features on EVConfiguration file;

📌 shouldAutoPlay: Bool

  A Boolean value that determines whether the player should start playing automatically when the player is loaded.
  ⏯️ Default is NO

📌 shouldLoopVideo: Bool

  A Boolean value that determines whether the video should restart automatically from the beginning when it reaches the end.
  ⏯️ Default is NO

📌 videoGravity: AVLayerVideoGravity

  The gravity of the video layer that determines how the video is displayed within the layer bounds.
  ⏯️ Default is AVLayerVideoGravity.resize

📌 fullScreenModeVideoGravity: AVLayerVideoGravity

  The gravity of the full-screen mode video layer that determines how the video is displayed within the layer bounds.
  ⏯️ Default is AVLayerVideoGravity.resizeAspect

📌 isSeekAnimationsEnabled: Bool

  A Boolean value that determines whether seek animations should be enabled.
  ⏯️ Default is YES

📌 forwardSeekDuration: EVSeekDuration

  The time duration that the player should seek forward when the user taps the forward button.
  ⏯️ Default is k10 (10 seconds)

📌 rewindSeekDuration: EVSeekDuration

  The time duration that the player should seek rewind when the user taps the rewind button.
  ⏯️ Default is k10 (10 seconds)

📌 isFullScreenModeSupported: Bool

  A Boolean value that determines whether the full-screen mode supported.
  ⏯️ Default is YES

📌 isFullScreenShouldOpenWithLandscapeMode: Bool

  A Boolean value that determines whether the player should be presented in full-screen mode with landscape orientation.
  ⏯️ Default is NO, meaning the player will be presented in full-screen mode with portrait orientation.

📌 isFullScreenShouldAutoRotate: Bool

  A Boolean value that determines whether the player should rotate to match the device orientation when the device is rotated at full-screen mode.
  ⏯️ Default is YES

📌 fullScreenSupportedInterfaceOrientations: UIInterfaceOrientationMask

  The supported interface orientations for the player when it is presented in full-screen mode.
  ⏯️ Default is UIInterfaceOrientationMask.allButUpsideDown

📌 fullScreenPresentationStyle: UIModalPresentationStyle

  The presentation style to use when presenting the player in full-screen mode.
  ⏯️ Default is UIModalPresentationStyle.fullScreen

📌 thumbnailContentMode: UIView.ContentMode

  The content mode of thumbnail imageView.
  ⏯️ Default is UIView.ContentMode.scaleToFill

📌 progressBarMinimumTrackTintColor: UIColor

  The tint color of the minimum track of the progress bar, which represents the progress of the video playback.
  ⏯️ Default is UIColor.orange

📌 progressBarMaximumTrackTintColor: UIColor

  The tint color of the maximum track of the progress bar, which represents the remaining time of the video playback.
  ⏯️ Default is UIColor.lightGray with an alpha component of 0.8.

📌 isTransactionAnimated: Bool

  A Boolean value that determines whether the player transition to full-screen mode should be animated. 
  ⏯️ Default is YES

🖇️ Delegate

If you want to track current player state, current & total duration, and full screen lifecycle you can set delegate;

evPlayer.delegate = self


func evPlayer(stateDidChangedTo state: EVVideoState)
func evPlayer(timeChangedTo currentTime: Double, totalTime: Double, loadedRange: Double)
func evPlayer(fullScreenTransactionUpdateTo state: EVFullScreenState)

🙋🏻‍♂️ Author

Emirhan Saygıver

❓Questions or Advices

Just send me an email (saygivere@gmail.com)

📔 License

EVPlayer is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

