使用 Codegen 实现类 Kotlin 复制功能的 Swift 包


一个 Swift 包,提供一种方便的、类似 Kotlin 的方式来复制 Swift 类型如 struct 的不可变实例。


只需让你的结构体符合 Copyable 协议。

struct User: Copyable {
    let id: Int
    let firstName: String
    let lastName: String
    let created: Date

let myUser = User(id: "123", firstName: "David", lastName: "Scheutz", created = .now)

// Copy the instance by changing the `firstName` and `lastName` properties
let updatedUser = myUser.copy(firstName: "Your", lastName: "Name")


SwiftCopy 使用 OptionalCopy 枚举包装可选属性,提供对如何更新或重置其状态的显式控制。

public enum OptionalCopy<T> {
    case update(T)
    case reset
    case noChange // default value used by the copy function

struct User: Copyable {
    let id: Int
    let name: String
    let profilePicture: String?

let myUser = User(id: "123", name: "David", profilePicture: nil)

// Copy the instance by setting the `profilePicture`
_ = myUser.copy(profilePicture: .update("https://dave.com/pictures/214381"))

// Copy the instance by resetting the `profilePicture`
_ = myUser.copy(profilePicture: .reset)

// Copy the instance by using an optional type directly
let optionalValue: String? = "Value"
_ = myUser.copy(profilePicture: .use(optionalValue))


1. 添加 Swift 包

你可以使用 Swift