SwiftUI 软件包,提供可自定义的滑动按钮,可以滑动以解锁或执行操作




您可以使用 Swift Package Manager 安装 SlideButton。要将 SlideButton 添加到 Xcode 项目,请转到 > > 并输入 URL 。FileSwift PackagesAdd Package Dependencyhttps://github.com/no-comment/SlideButton


要使用 SlideButton,请在 SwiftUI 视图中导入模块。SlideButton

import SwiftUI
import SlideButton

Create a by providing a title and a callback that will execute when the user successfully swipes the indicator. Optionally, you can inform the SlideButton whether the callback was successful to play haptic feedback.SlideButton

SlideButton("Slide to Unlock") {
    let success = await unlockDevice()
    return success

You can customize the appearance of the slide button by providing a instance. For example, you can change the size and color of the indicator, the alignment of the title text, and whether the text fades or hides behind the indicator.Styling

let styling = SlideButton.Styling(
    indicatorSize: 60,
    indicatorSpacing: 5,
    indicatorColor: .accentColor,
    backgroundColor: .accentColor.opacity(0.3),
    textColor: .secondary,
    indicatorSystemName: "chevron.right",
    indicatorDisabledSystemName: "xmark",
    textAlignment: .center,
    textFadesOpacity: true,
    textHiddenBehindIndicator: true

SlideButton("Slide to Unlock", styling: styling) {
    let success = await unlockDevice()
    return success


SlideButton comes with documentation comments to help you understand how to use the package. You can access the documentation by option-clicking on any or instance in your code.SlideButtonStyling

