




可在 iOS 11+ 和 tvOS 11+ 上使用。

Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the compiler. It’s integrated with the Swift build system to automate the process of downloading, compiling, and linking dependencies.swift

Once you have your Swift package set up, adding as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the value of your .dependenciesPackage.swift

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/ivanvorobei/SPConfetti", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.4.0"))


CocoaPods is a dependency manager. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate using CocoaPods, specify it in your :Podfile

pod 'SPConfetti'


If you prefer not to use any of dependency managers, you can integrate manually. Put folder in your Xcode project. Make sure to enable and .Sources/SPConfettiCopy items if neededCreate groups


Quick Start

For easy start confetti animation call this:

// For start animation
SPConfetti.startAnimating(.centerWidthToDown, particles: [.triangle, .arc])

// For stop animation

If you want stop animation automatically in time, use it:

SPConfetti.startAnimating(.centerWidthToDown, particles: [.triangle, .arc], duration: 3)

You can manage by view with custom layout if need.SPConfettiView


For change emitter size and direction, use property. Available next animations:animation

enum SPConfettiAnimation {

    case fullWidthToDown
    case fullWidthToUp
    case centerWidthToDown
    case centerWidthToUp

// To change animation:
confettiView.animation = .centerWidthToDown


You can customise particles style and animation config.

// Available `.arc`, `.star`, `.heart`, `.circle`, `.triangle` and `.polygon`.
// You can set many styles particles.
confettiView.particles = [.star]

For set custom image use case:.custom

confettiView.particles = [.custom(yourImage)]

Global Appearance

You can set global values with configuration object. It will apply for all next configuration of confetti view by default.

SPConfettiConfiguration.particles = [.star]
SPConfettiConfiguration.particlesConfig.colors = [.systemRed, .sytemBlue]


For get notification about events, set delegate for view and implement protocol :SPConfettiDelegate

confettiView.delegate = self

Looks at protocol:

protocol SPConfettiDelegate: AnyObject {

    // Caling when animation start.
    func confettiDidStartAnimating()

    // Caling when animation stop.
    func confettiDidStopAnimating()

    // Caling when animation end. 
    // May calling after `confettiDidStopAnimating`,
    // becouse after stop emitting particles existing particles
    // still available.
    func confettiDidEndAnimating()


If you are using SwiftUI, it is recommended that you use the modifier we provide. This will ensure the confetti effects are presented within the corresponding window scene.

struct FancyButton: View {

    @State private var isPresenting = false
    var body: some View {
        Button("? hooray!", action: { isPresenting.toggle() })
            .confetti(isPresented: $isPresenting,
                      animation: .fullWidthToDown,
                      particles: [.triangle, .arc],
                      duration: 3.0)

The confetti modifier can be attached to any of the view hierarchies. It will always produce a full screen effect.

The global configuration above also works in SwiftUI. However, you can set different configurations for each confetti separately by using the modifier..confettiParticle(_:_:)

VStack {
    Button("Fast", action: { isPresenting1.toggle() })
            .confetti(isPresented: $isPresenting1,
                      animation: .fullWidthToDown,
                      particles: [.triangle, .arc],
                      duration: 3.0)
            .confettiParticle(\.velocity, 600)

    Button("Slow", action: { isPresenting2.toggle() })
            .confetti(isPresented: $isPresenting2,
                      animation: .fullWidthToDown,
                      particles: [.triangle, .arc],
                      duration: 3.0)
            .confettiParticle(\.velocity, 100)

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